Monday, May 01, 2006

My attendance today was surprisingly good; I had approximately 85% of my first 2 periods! Anyhow, classes today went really well. I find that it is extremely rewarding when I'm able to teach students with learning disabilities material that even the regular ed students struggle with. Today we went over probability again, however, I slowed down the pace quite a bit and they seemed to grasp the material much better. I'm also exited about my problem students finally settling down. I think it's so interesting that every student responds differently to my "alter-ego's". For instance, with Keenan I am a very friendly, laid back 20 year old (and it works). With Terrell, on the other hand, I'm the baddest motherf***** on earth.

Quote of the Day: "You're gonna get wasted!" (In reference to another teacher's birthday)


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