Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A response to the following prompt:

What are you going to do in the year after graduation? Provide details.


"I'm going to sit in the house and live off my grandmom. She going to buy me every thing because that what i do. People is going to tell me to get a job but im not. I might rob and kill people if needed if money coming short."

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Me: "I'm leaving for my cousin's graduation."

Student: "You know you're gonna be shootin' in the air afterwards shouting, "Yeee Haaa!"

Some more:

"You and me are the same Luke: you grew up in the trailer park and I grew up in the hood."

While waiving a binder in the air:

"Luke, is this how you dried your dishes down in North Carolina?"

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Quote of the Day:

"Luke, you black even though you spent your childhood throwing beer cans at dogs in the trailer park."